Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Best Mommy in the World Award goes toooooo........

What is a mother?

I think being a mother is the hardest job anyone can have.

I know someone who does nothing but tries to please her kids all day long.
She is the best mother I know of.
She's the type of mother who will put down everything she's doing to make her kids smile and laugh their heads off...and they do!!

Her day begins with her kids
and ends with her kids.

(and she even has time to squeeze in with her hubby..)

She is such a great influence on me. And I know that when her kids are teenagers, she'll still be the coolest mom in the world..

She's crazy buuuuttttt.......I gotta love her to death!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's been awhile..Easter weekend

MAANNNNN, It's been some time since I've been on here. I guess my excuse would maybe. Work??....nahhhhhh....U KNOW I AIN'T GOT NO JOB! LOL =] So the last several weeks have been a bit crazyyyy for me. I've slept in my own house like 5 times...JUST KIDDING! But for real though! Lately, I've been hanging out with my long time friend Cari a lot. And now, I honestly don't know what I would do without her! CHEEZYYYYY, I know!! We even made shirts....nd once we get pictures of us wearing them...I will most def. post them. They're purple, the front says It's a Hairflip, and our names are on the back. So anyway, Easter weekend was awesome. I hung out with my loves, Cari and Elizabeth and her babies, Mason and Terri. We went to an Easter Egg hunt on Saturday and I was shocked to hear that all kids were only allowed a maximum of 8 eggs! BLASPHEMY! What kind of egg hunt is that?!?!?? Back in the day, I used to go home with like 50 eggs! SHOOT!

Terri was satisfied with her first egg...then she was done! =]


And as for Mason, 5 seconds after starting the egg hunt, he came back with his 8 eggs!!



So, over all, we had a great Easter!